Welcome to Staleks Сlub.
Staleks Club is a loyalty program at store.staleks.com
The rules of our club govern the basic provisions that allow you to become a member of the special program and enjoy all the benefits it provides. From the moment you receive a Staleks Club member account, you gain access to the program and the ability to manage your bonuses. Before proceeding further, please read carefully the general StaleksClub terms and conditions in Section 1. For more information on the terms of use of our website and other nuances, see Section 2.
Please note, by confirming your registration in our Club, you also agree to these rules and undertake to follow them in the future. Violation of them will result in suspension of membership and a detailed review of the situation by the Club management.
If you do not agree to the terms of these Terms, stop using the Platform.
Section 1: General Provisions
Club Organizer / Platform Administration - STALEKS spolka z ograniczona odpowiedzialnoscia NIP: 7010930543 Lindleya 16 02-013 Warszawa
Buyer - a User who has accepted the terms and conditions of the Online Store.
Member - A User who has accepted the terms and conditions of the Staleks Club.
User - any visitor of the Online Store.
Coin - accumulated points that Club Members can use to purchase goods and services in the online store.
Online Store means Seller's online marketplace located on the Internet at store.staleks.com.
The Platform is a part of the Online Store that is only available to Club Members.
The program is valid exclusively in the online store. By joining the Staleks Club, a Club Member expresses consent to the collection and processing of his/her personal data in accordance with our privacy policy (link).
A buyer who is at least 18 years of age and agrees to these Rules may join the Staleks Club by self-registration.
By becoming a Member of the Club, you confirm that you have full legal capacity and full legal capability and are fully legally responsible for your actions. This condition must be complied with by the Member and is not subject to change. In all circumstances, persons under 18 years of age may not become Members of the Club.
The Member is solely responsible for the confidentiality and security of his/her password and/or account and for all activities performed under his/her password and/or account on the Platform.
The Member must immediately notify the Platform Services team (link) of any unauthorized use of their password or account, or any other breach of security.
By joining the Club, the Member agrees to:
- not access, use, reproduce, modify, modify, download, sell, transfer, publicize or otherwise make available your Club membership for commercial purposes;
- not take any action that may disrupt, interrupt or otherwise adversely affect the operation of the Club;
- not misuse your membership in the Club or use it for illegal purposes or unauthorized activities (including transmitting computer viruses through your account or using your account in a manner that is discriminatory, offensive, abusive, harmful, defamatory or otherwise violates or infringes the rights of others);
- not transfer, sell or exchange (or attempt to transfer, sell or exchange) any of your rewards or promotional offers to members of the Club;
If you meet the above criteria and accept the Rules, you may join the Club by completing the registration form in the online store at store.staleks.com[link] Registration in the Club does not require the purchase of any product. You may have only one account. By joining the Club, you agree to provide true, accurate, current and complete information about yourself in the registration form. Otherwise, the Club management reserves the right to refuse membership and terminate interaction with the User without explanation.
Registration and participation in the Staleks Club is free and voluntary.
Staleks Coins are cumulative points that Club Members can only use to pay for goods in the Online Shop.
As a Club Member, you are entitled to receive Coins at your membership level, which can be used in the Online Shop. You will receive Staleks Coins for each purchase in the Online Store. Purchases made on third-party websites and stores that are not official channels do not allow you to accumulate Coins.
The Club member purchases goods for Coins on the terms and conditions of the online store link to the publ.offer.
Canceling the contract without giving a reason and/or returning the goods may result in several levels being dropped. For example, if a Member returns an item, the Coins that were earned for its purchase will be deducted. As a result, the total amount of Coins will be reduced.
We may, from time to time, change, cancel or add actions that allow you to earn Coins or change the number of Coins you earn without notice. These changes will not affect the number of Coins you have accumulated prior to the change.
To receive Coins for purchases, you must be logged into your Staleks Club account on the Website at [link] . If you are unable to receive Coins because you are not logged in at [link], you may contact the Platform Services team (link), providing proof of your eligibility to receive Coins for purchases.
Users can only start earning coins from the day they join the Club. No previous purchases in the Online Store will be counted for the purpose of earning Coins.
With the help of Staleks Coins, Club members have the opportunity to pay up to 100% of the cost of goods. This condition may be changed unilaterally by the Platform administration. The specific amount of Staleks Coins credited to the payment for goods is indicated when making a purchase.
The cost of delivery of goods cannot be paid with Staleks Coins at the same time as paying for the goods with Staleks Coins.
Withdrawal of Staleks Coins in the form of cash or non-cash is not possible under any circumstances
In the absence of activity and purchases on the site for a year (365 days), membership in the Staleks Club may be suspended and accumulated points may be reset by the Platform administration.
The Platform Administration reserves the right to notify the Member in advance of the zeroing of accumulated points.
Coins may not be transferred to other Club members and/or third parties.
The program includes four levels of Club Members: Basic, Bronze, Silver, Gold. Each level has its own Stalex Coins accrual system, ranging from 3% to 15%. The assignment of new levels is determined by the volume of the Club Member's purchases in the Online Store.
1.The amount of Coins awarded per 100 Euros spent in the Online Store.
- Junior- 100
- Bronze - 300
- Silver - 500
- Gold - 700
2.The accumulated (total) amount of money spent in the online store to reach the level:
- Junior - 0
- Bronze - from 500 euros
- Silver - from 1500 euros
- Gold - from 5000 euros
Additional Staleks Coins may be awarded for purchasing special merchandise, participating in promotions and subscribing to official channels and other terms and conditions.
A user's level of access to training videos depends on their current level in the Club.
Starting from the junior level, free access to training videos on the platforms of the official website staleks.com is provided.
All content provided by the Vendor to Club Members as part of the Staleks Club programs is the property of the Vendor and is intended for non-commercial use by Club Members. Training of Club Members' employees/use of content by Club Members' employees is permitted, without replication or copying.
Depending on the localization of videos into different languages, access may not be granted simultaneously to all users, but rather as content is prepared in the language of Club Members.
Club members are prohibited from copying or in any way distributing content provided as part of the training access program. If the content is distributed, the user will be expelled from the Staleks Club with further prosecution and compensation for the damage caused
From time to time, the Platform Administration may make minor changes to these Rules (for example, if there are changes in applicable law that require the Platform Administration to change these Rules following the addition of new prizes, new opportunities to earn Coins, changes to the functionality of the Club or the technological environment on which its operation is based).
The Platform Administration recommends that Members check these Rules regularly to keep up to date with the current rules for their Club membership.
In the event of any material change to the Rules that adversely affects a Member, notification will be sent to all Members via email.
The Platform Administration may terminate the Staleks Club program at any time. If the program is terminated, a notice will be posted on the website and sent to all Club Members via email.
The Platform Administration shall ensure compliance with these rules.
As part of this legal obligation, from time to time the Platform Administration may offer and request the Member to install security and technical updates.
It is the Member's responsibility to install such updates in a timely manner and to update the device's operating system as necessary to update the Staleks Club.
The Platform Administration is not responsible for any incompatibilities and Club errors resulting from failure to install the recommended update.
If the Club does not meet the conditions of the online store or the conditions arising from these Terms and Conditions, the Member is entitled to demand the elimination of the defect.
A Member's right to complain of non-compliance shall expire one (1) month from the date of withdrawal from membership in the Club.
The Platform Administration undertakes to use its best efforts to eliminate defects in the Platform's operation, which occurred due to its fault.
If the Platform Administration fails to comply with these Terms, the Platform Administration will be liable for any loss or damage that is a foreseeable result of the breach, but the Platform Administration will not be liable for any loss or damage that is not foreseeable. Loss or damage shall be considered foreseeable if it is an obvious consequence of the breach or if it was foreseen at the time of conclusion of these Terms.
Nothing in these Rules shall exclude or limit the liability of the Platform Administration for:
Nothing in these Terms and Conditions shall affect the Member's statutory rights.
A member may terminate his or her membership in the Club at any time without cause.
To exercise your right to resign your membership by sending a clear statement (e.g., a letter sent by mail) stating your decision to withdraw from the Club.
To exercise their rights under this section, a Member may use the form below:
"I/we kindly inform you* that I/we am/are withdrawing* from membership of the Staleks Club.
Client's first and last name:
The Customer's email address used to register membership in the Club:
A Member may also cancel their membership electronically by contacting the Platform Services team (link) or by deleting their account by clicking on the tab (link) and selecting the "I wish to delete my details and account" option.
If the Member exercises either of these options, the Member will receive an email from Platform Administration acknowledging receipt of the membership termination application.
If the Member cancels his/her membership in the Club in accordance with the right of withdrawal set out above, he/she will lose access to the Club. In such cases, the Platform Administration will stop using any data that is not personal data and that was provided or created by the Member while participating in the Club.
Upon request of the Member, the Platform Administration will provide the Member with any personal data that the Member has provided or created while participating in the Club.
The provisions of the Privacy Policy link apply to any data that qualifies as personal data.
The Platform Administration may cancel the Club membership of a particular Member at any time if it believes that the Member (a) does not meet the conditions set forth in these Rules, (b) has violated the terms of these Rules, any terms and conditions of the Platform and/or the Online Store, any applicable product terms and conditions of sale or any applicable laws or regulations, or (c) is involved in fraud, forgery, abuse or has committed any other abuse to the detriment of the Club.
The Platform Administration reserves the right to cancel any or all of a Member's Coins or rewards if it determines that the Member has received them through error, fraud or abuse or in any other manner inconsistent with these Rules.
If the Platform Administration cancels the membership in the Club or the Member terminates its membership on its own, the Coins of such Member shall be canceled and shall not be reinstated.
If a Member ceases to be a member of the Club, he/she may rejoin by registering in the manner provided in these Rules.
Upon re-registration in the Club, previously received Coins will not be credited to the new account.
In the event of withdrawal from Club membership, the following provisions apply to data provided at registration and data posted, published, transmitted, transmitted, displayed and otherwise made available as part of Club membership:
- the rights granted to the Platform Administration in respect of all data that are not personal data shall be null and void.
- upon the Member's withdrawal from membership, the Platform Administration will provide you, upon your request, free of charge, within a reasonable time and in machine-readable format, with all non-personal content provided by the User.
Section 2: Use of the Staleks Platform for Club Members
These Terms of Use apply to your access to and use of your account on our Website.
Your access to and use of the Website and the information, materials, products and services available through our Platform are governed by these Terms of Use whether or not you have an account associated with your name and/or contact information.
The law applicable for the interpretation of this Regulation shall be the law of the Republic of Poland.
We may make changes to these Terms of Use if we have reasonable grounds to do so (for example, for legal, regulatory or security reasons). We will notify you of changes as soon as possible (we may do this when you log in to your personal account on the Site or by sending you a notice to the address you have provided in your contact details, or by any other means we deem appropriate). Changes to these Terms of Use will not affect any rights you acquired prior to the changes taking effect.
In some cases, you will be required to accept changes to these Terms of Use in order to continue using the Website. By continuing to use the Platform, you accept any new or modified terms.
Copyright in all content contained or displayed on the Platform, including but not limited to text, graphics, photographs, images, moving images, audio files and illustrations protected by intellectual property rights, excluding User Content (collectively, "Content"), is owned by Staleks, its licensors, suppliers, agents or content creators.
You are prohibited from using the Website or any Content for purposes other than those intended. Unless otherwise specified in documents available on the Platform, you may view, play, print and download documents, audio files and videos for personal, informational and non-commercial purposes only.
You may not modify any material and may not copy, distribute, transmit, display, perform, reproduce, publish, license, create derivative works from, transfer or sell any information or content available on the Website.
Use of any copyrighted material requires prior consent, except as permitted under applicable copyright laws. For the purposes of these Terms, use of any such material on any other website or online service is prohibited.
You must comply with all rules applicable to you and your use of the Website. You may not remove any copyright, trademark or other proprietary notices from any Content available on the Website.
All Staleks trademarks, service marks and trade names used on the Site are trademarks or registered trademarks of the Staleks group, its affiliates, partners, suppliers or licensors. You may not use, copy, reproduce, upload, publish, transmit, distribute or modify any Staleks trademarks in any way, including for promotional purposes or in connection with the distribution of materials on the Platform, without the prior written consent of the owner. Use of Staleks trademarks on other websites or online services is prohibited.
We make every effort to ensure that the information on the Website is complete, accurate and up to date. Despite our efforts, it may happen that the information provided does not meet these requirements. Please note that we are under no obligation to maintain or update any information. You should not rely on this information.
When you provide information about yourself to the Platform Administration or other users of the Platform, including when you create an Account, you represent that (a) you are providing accurate and current information and are not providing information intended to impersonate another person; and (b) you will maintain and promptly update that information to keep it accurate and current. If you provide information about yourself that is false or inaccurate, or if we have reasonable grounds to believe that the information you have provided is false or inaccurate, we reserve the right to suspend or terminate any account you have created, refuse to provide services to you on the Platform, or deny you access to the Platform now or in the future.
You agree that any information, data or other material that is submitted, posted, transmitted, displayed or otherwise made available through the Platform by you and other users, including but not limited to information provided when you create an Account and information you share with other users of the Platform, remains the sole responsibility of you and/or the person from whom the content originates. This means that you are responsible for any User Content that you upload, post, transmit, display or otherwise make available through the Platform.
User Content is not under our control and we do not guarantee its accuracy, integrity or quality. In addition, User Content is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for professional advice.
We are not responsible for any User Content and will not be liable for any loss or damage caused by it, its use or your reliance on it.
You agree to comply with all laws, rules and regulations applicable to the Platform. You also agree not to:
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